
Bonal International, Inc. Declares Dividend Twenty-Fifth Dividend in Last 18 Years

Royal Oak, Michigan, June 24, 2022 – Bonal International, Inc. (OTC: BONL) has announced a dividend of $0.05 per share.  This dividend marks the twenty-fifth time Bonal has issued dividends over the last eighteen fiscal years.  The dividend is payable on July 20, 2022 to the shareholders of record as of the close of business on July 12, 2022.

Dividends are paid out of retained earnings.  The Bonal International board of directors will continue to evaluate the Company’s dividend policy on a quarterly basis.

Bonal International, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, Bonal Technologies, Inc., is the patent holder and world’s only provider of sub-harmonic (Meta-Lax®) vibratory stress relief and weld conditioning technology.  Bonal offers 15 different models of Meta-Lax equipment which are sold in the United States and more than 65 countries worldwide.  Headquartered in Royal Oak, Michigan, Bonal serves the aerospace, automotive, defense, die casting, machine tool building, mining, mold making, power, racing, ship building, and welding industries.  Bonal’s Meta-Lax technology is used to eliminate thermal stress in metal parts, thereby preventing distortion and cracking.  The Meta-Lax technology is applied at a fraction of the time, expense, and energy consumption of competing technologies.  More information can be found at or by calling 1-800-META-LAX.


How Vibratory Weld Conditioning Mitigates Distortion

Imagine a welder completes one side of a large workpiece, then flips the thing over and welds the other side, then flips it back to continue welding. A nonwelder looking on might think the welder’s just creating work for himself. But he...
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Good (weld) Vibrations
How Vibratory Weld Conditioning
Mitigates Distortion
With weld conditioning the welder might be able to weld consistently from one end of the part to the other-no flipping,…
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